
What basic content do I need to setup a PostBug action?

  1. Title: ideally an active call to action that specifically reflects your campaign. It will also be used when sharing on social media.
  2. Introduction: 3-5 short sentences that explain what the issue is, why it is important, what is the deadline and who can do something about it (the recipient). It will also be used when sharing on social media.
  3. Webpage image(s): one or more web-optimised images that represent the postcard(s) or action. These appear at the top of the campaign page and if more than one are options for what postcard image to send. They will also be used when sharing on social media. They need to be web optimised quality (few hundred KB) so the page load time is fast. Technically this means size 500 pixels wide x 352 pixels high (or a ratio of 1.4187) using RGB colours, 72 dpi and in any web friendly format (png/png/tiff/webp).
  4. Print image(s) (postcards only): image(s) that will appear on the printed postcard (and at the top of the campaign page if no webpage image is provided). They needs to be high quality (2-3 MB) so the print quality is good. Technically this means: a) size 2480 pixels wide x 1748 pixels high b) With a 5mm crop area on each side so the image continues, but no critical content is in this margin. This will be cut off in the printing process. c) A further 5mm margin 'unsafe' area (on top of the crop area) with no crucial design elements as the cutting may drift into this space. d) No white border/crop marks unless you want this printed. e) With a print resolution of 300 dpi f) Using CMYK colours g) In a JPEG format only (not PDF nor png/tiff/webp as these don't support CMYK colours).
  5. Message to recipient (optional): The default message for people to edit or replace. Giving people suggested text means more people will send it. But unique personal messages have a higher impact. For postcards this should be up to 750 characters (a few short paragraphs). For letters it can be up to two pages.
  6. Consent question: Your standard permission opt-in statement in a yes/no format. Other questions can also be added e.g. are you a member of X
  7. Recipient address: if an individual, verify which address is best. This could be an office address found on the webpage of the relevant organisation or person. We can help if you can't find one. PostBug already has the UK MP addresses, UK devolved assembly member addresses and many ministers' office addresses.
  8. Completion page: This can be the web address of a completion page on your website or a short paragraph for the PostBug-hosted completion page if it isn't redirected. This can include links for social media sharing. The PostBug-hosted completion page also includes the postcard image they selected (if a postcard action).
  9. Completion email: Provide the HTML of your usual completion page and any links and content you want in it - plus what address replies should go to.
Postbug bee - sending postcards to people in power

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