
Voters Action nudges people to be voters

What is Voters Action?

Voters Action is an initiative by PostBug to to encourage voting in elections. It enables this by asking people to send printed postcard nudges to family, friends, neighbours and colleagues they know.

Where possible, it can even be used to send to voters the sender doesn't know without revealing the recipients full name or address (if the voter roll data is available)

Who is behind it?

That depends on the specific country or region it is set up for:

Who pays?

Sending postcards is paid for by the senders themselves or by the other senders who "pay forward" extra to allows people to send for free. The time put into it is initially voluntary, but if there is extra it will be put to pay people working on it (e.g. postcard designs, online promotion, translations, tech development)

Want to start one?

If you have an election coming up in your country or region and have the time and energy to put into this, get in touch.

Are you a union, political party, election supervisor or other organisation and you you wish to run a similar action fully branded for your organisation with 'control' of sender data, also get in touch.

Which languages can it work in?

All languages with digital fonts can be used. We've tried is in multiple latin scripts, sanskrit, cyrillic and more. Initial translations are via machine and then you have access to refine them.


Most issues come down to political decisions. So we think it is crucial voter influence who their political leadership is.

However beyond elections, we think active voters are more likely to be involved in their community at the local, regional, national and international level.

Postbug bee - sending postcards to people in power

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